Friday, November 13, 2009

Fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses...?

fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses and smear themselves with paint? why or why not?

An interview I found:

Diana used to attened a high school with a team nicknamed "indians." she said she was proud to paint her face, stick feathers in her hair and make Hollywood war whoops as part of her cheerleading duties.

"i felt we were honoring the indians" she said. Suppose you team was called the "African-American," I asked her. Would you paint your face black, wear an Afrowing and prace around the football field trying to imitate your perceptions of black people? she responded, "Of course not! That would be insulting to blacks." My point is made.

Fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses...?

As appealing as it is to see obese, middle aged white men prance around in multi-colors, I would have to say that you have a point. I'm certain if the shoe was on the other foot, the sport itself would be condemned.

Fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses...?

I don't like political correctness, but I can certainly understand this idea.

My ex-boyfriend was a quarter Seminole, and we lived in Florida. His grandma, who is full-blood Seminole, said she only had a problem with the FSU team being called the Seminoles if they did bad or the team members broke the law (which they do with embarrassing regularity).

I also like the response of one historically Native American college, who named their team the Fightin' Whities. I wear my Fightin' Whities T-shirt with pride, even though I'm white, and people laugh. They've sold so much merchandise, they have a scholarship funded by it!

Fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses...?

And I can point to contradictions in people being offended (by the same action some are offended and some aren't), thereby destroying your argument.

Political correctness offends a lot of people, so based on its own logic, political correctness should be banned.

Political correctness is actually a feint concocted to gain acceptance for things traditionally unacceptable. There is no logic to it.

(racially I am part Cherokee and my favorite football team is the Washington Redskins)


Fans of sports teams that are named after Native americans should be allowed to wear headdresses...?

In the world today, anything you say will insult anyone.

Now, indians never called themselves "indians." They called themselves PEOPLE. So if a team dresses up like an appachee indian, then deal with it!

And PS I really, really HATE to hear Black-American. We are all americans. Either you fit into our society, or you live a life on the edge, a life of poverty and drugs.

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