Friday, November 13, 2009

Help me please?

ok my scalp is itching badly and before u answer i dont have lice cause african american people dont get lice cause we oil our hair!!!

Help me please?

First African American people do get lice, so it could be a possibility. But If you had someone check your head and you had no eggs or bugs then you just have dry scalp, and oil or grease is NOT gonna help it. You need to get a shampoo in the drugstore for dandruff or dry scalp or go to the dermatalogist and he will perscribe you some good shampoo or cream.

Help me please?

You have lice. Go get your sculpt check. If you don't have any lice than its probablly dandrif go get dandriff shampoo.

Help me please?

hyou probably have an itchy scalp becuase of dry skin on you head. try to use head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner becuasse they clense your scalp first and then then wash your hair out. good luck!

Help me please?

It could be because of your water or your shampoo or hair products. You scalp could be dried out so its itchy. I would suggest using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

Help me please?

well ask someone to get a comb and part your hair to scratch your scalp with the comb.

then after that area is scratched then put grease on your scalp

Help me please?

you can get lice..........but maybe you are having a reaction to the oil

Help me please?

it might be because you have dandruff...get a shampoo which helps against dandruff it might also be because you wear your hair up to much...

Help me please?

dry scalp?

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