Friday, November 13, 2009

Looks to be an actress?

someone told me that I had the talent to be an actress but not the looks. They said to be a african american actress I would have to straighten my hair permantley, and get a nose job. Just wondering if that is true, so here is my myspace page. Look at my pictures and tell me what you think. I don't think so.

Looks to be an actress?

Ha,Ha That's funny I was also told that I could be an actress=) Who knows maybe we will see eachother in Hollywood one day.....

Happy Hoildays=))

Looks to be an actress?

anyone could be an actor, u dont need to look a certain way. i mean, u know actors, they always get haircuts and make-overs all the time. u probably look fine the way u are, and when u act for a play or movie as a certain character, change ur look to fit what the character probably looks like. dont change ur hair if ur hair looks fine to u.

Looks to be an actress?

i get told by quite a couple of people that i would be good in hollywood and broadway. but most people in the business want caucasians not asians... those hollywood people are so stubborn. but you look fine and if you've got what it takes then go for it. my parents won't let me

Looks to be an actress?

Straighten your hair!...get a nose job!...tell that someone that you are lovely just as you are! I looked at your pic. You are fine...know that. Its all about confidence.

Now go out there and act! There are more parts for black actresses now than ever...keep your hair natural. Why are black women always called upon to make their hair look european....thats nonsense.

I heard it once said that in order to be an actor you can never listen to all the people who say you won't make it.

Look at all the black women actresses out now who have not done what this someone has told you...

Looks to be an actress?

If it's that much work to be an actress it's not worth it.

Looks to be an actress?

i think that person was jealous..

u cant always listen to what others say about u..

%26amp;%26amp; whats wrong with ur nose or hair..??..

they both look normal to me..dont listen to them..

pursue acting if thats what u want..

good luck!

Looks to be an actress?

You look like a person with the talent to act and like you would leave the stage with a bang! I don't think you need a nose job at all!!! I think you hair would look good straight but not EVRY day. Hair styles are a good thing to change so I think every once in a while you should straighten your hair. Always follow your dreams! Just remember most of the time people say mean things out of ignorance!!! Good luck and I hope you get a BIG acting job soon!

Looks to be an actress?

From experience, I know that ALL kinds of people get all kinds of acting jobs! It all depends on what the casting director has in visioned. Trust me, the person obviously didn't have a clue. Don't go with the crowd and pursue your dreams....And NO nose jobs!!!!! Good Luck in all your future careers!!

Looks to be an actress?

that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. i believe it is the exact opposite. Do you know how many black actresses there are that have straight permed hair? Alot, there for it is harder for them to have a natural hair style if a director was looking for a more natural look. You are more versatile because you can easily straighten your hair without perming it. Plus the industry looks for different people. How are you supposed to get auditions if everyone in your agents roster has the same hair? And the nose thing, that has nothing to do with it. Please dont fall for that because you will ruin your chances, you are a beautiful girl, just keep up that skill and personality and it will take you anywhere.

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