Friday, November 13, 2009

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

I know this is a stupid question but I keep getting the feeling I'm wording this wrong %26amp; offending people I don't intend to offend. Perhaps I'm not a very "politically correct" person lol I'm a person who describes what they see when talking. If they have red hair I say "you know...the girl who has red hair" not "you know...the girl of irish-american decent" :) So, when I am talking about a black person I'll say "you know, the black girl" or "the tall black guy" to describe them instead of saying "the tall african-american". Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because a few times recently I was talking with 2 different ladies (who were black) and said something like "you know so %26amp; so, he's the big tall black guy" and both paused and looked at me for a minute, but then went on like everything was fine. So..I thought I better find out lol before I put my foot in my mouth again if it is considered "racial" to use the word "black"? Thanks

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

You know I'm a Black 1st generation Cuban American. And I have friends from Africa. And we hate it when on a form they put the category of : "African American" for all Black People!You are totally correct because I am proud to be Black as my race and Cuban-American as my nationality. Also, there are so many Black People all over the world that its crazy to try to call all of us African-American when we all are not even American at times! Then of course my African friends who have 1st born American feel like those are the true African-Americans because their race is Black and they were born in America. and what about them (my African friends), they don't know what to put down when asked that question on a form or me either,we end up crossing out the part that doesn't apply to us! So, just like myself I am a Cuban-American, but my race is Black! And proud to be BLACK.

Also, I don't like to use the ***** thing either, as I don't understand why anyone who is Black would feel its okay to call themselves that and then get mad at another race for doing it, that's stupid, either its derogatory or not. They need to stop tripping! I know I'm not a "***** or a ******"!

I'm an Intelligent Beautiful Black Cuban American Lady.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

It dosn't offend me.. i'm black.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

calling someone an 'african american' is a lot worse than describing him as 'black' because you assume he is from africa, and black people come from all over the world!

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

Some are fine with it. Others not. You'll hear black people talking politics on the news using it so I wouldn't worry too much.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

some people are sensitive to it, but not every "black" person is african american. the could be from haiti or south america or europe or anywhere else. sometimes political correctness makes things just too difficult to say anything.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

My step father is black; he hates being called African American. He says that he閳ユ獨 not from African but he is black so he prefers that. But in the business world better to say African American otherwise I think you can get away with just saying black.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

Think about it through their eyes: if you have friends who are Caucasian, would you describe one of them as the "tall, Caucasian girl"? Most likely, you wouldn't, unless you're describing the person in a room full of people of another race.

Also, sometimes people may have darker skin but yet have one Caucasian parent. If you really need to describe the skin, why not be accurate without any racial tones at all by saying "short with a dark complexion"?

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

Nothing wrong with the word "black." When in doubt, though, just ask someone what they prefer!

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

no it's not wrong.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

We have changed what we call black people different times according to what they want.If black is bad to them too then i give up!!!

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

no it is not

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

If your saying black offends someone then they need to get over themselves as they are not that important.

What am supposed to say when I talk about my cat now...I came home the other day and my black cat...oops, I mean my african american cat was on the counter. I said hey fluffy, and she ignored me, I said it again and she kept ignoring me, then I remembered she doesn't answer to her "slave name" anymore.

That was lame, but it's an example of how out of hand this whole politically correct crap is getting.

My girlfriend is black and if you called her "african american" she would kick your a$$.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

it is actually a polite word to use instead of ****** etc.

Is it wrong to say the word "black"?

Well, ask any black person ( person of color, etc) what they call Caucasian people and the answer will be, if not a disrespectful slang word, 'white'.

If someone looks at you funny just say, 'Back is Beautiful',isnt it? That used to be a major slogan among people of color.

IMO it is far, far better than the outdated term " colored" or the uneducated, universally disrespectful ( unless you are Black) " N " word. I mean, we have to describe each other somehow!

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