Friday, November 13, 2009

PAst lives?

Okay,i thought that past lives were fake,but for some reason,when I look at things of Japan,i feel like i kniow it and i've been there before.I dont know why though?Could this have been where I lived in my previous life?People also say that I look asian,but I am AFrican American,Caucasian,and Indian.I also have a diffrent hair texture from my parents?

Pictures like that,I seem to know it.

PAst lives?

past lives are fake...

PAst lives?


PAst lives?

Maybe you're a little too much into anime, mah boi.

PAst lives?

I believe in past lives - I feel a great attachment to Scotland, and various times from long before I was born.

I also have a couple of sort-of phobias, which cannot be explained from anything in this lifetime.

PAst lives?

I was a great kung fu master in my past life.

PAst lives?

probably de javu.

PAst lives?

karate kid when he went down to get bansi plant

PAst lives?

That's such a beatiful picture...

I honestly don't know if i believe in that kind of thing. I know i'd love it if it were real, but honestly i don't know. You mean like reincarnation? You can't ask other people about this kind of thing- you have to go with what you believe in, and you shouldn't get your beliefs from other people.

Anyway, i think it's definetly possible, but no one's gonna be able to tell you if it's actually true or not.

PAst lives?

Reincarnation is very possible, it's what I think souls go through when they 'go to the light', that then they are reborn. If you feel you know it, you probably do. You get a new body but you have the same soul as all your previous lives.

I feel very nostalgic for times past, and my belief is because I had lived through that time before. The 60's, the Oregon Trail, I feel connections to them because I have lived with them.

PAst lives?

could be past life or genetic memory........... get a psychic to hypnotize you and see what you discover.

PAst lives?

For anyone who dismisses this concept.... go to an accredited clinical hypnotherapist and get a recorded hypnotic regression. That will open your eyes and you may change your belief!

PAst lives?

Well there can be a few explanations for this. One common one would probably be deja vu. Deja vu is just where one eye sees something before the other eye does. The information from the one eye gets sent to your brain just that much faster and when the stuff from the other eye comes in it thinks it remembers it from somewhere.

Another example might be ooo i dunno television/media in general. Your subconscience picks things up from an incredibly early age and stores them. You might have seen an image that was similar as a child and not be able to remember it.

As for the looks and hair color, I'm scottish/irish and people say i look like an italian. And the hair texture is probably from a recessive gene thats been around in your family genes.

Really cool picture though looks awesome!

PAst lives?

ask someone for regressive therapy.

I tried it once but couldnt still my mind enough. allI saw in my mind was the date 1776.

I then spoke to someone that deals in this and was told things about me she couldnt have guessed ie why I need to have people in my life. She said that I was a young child during the 2nd world war and my whole village was fleeing the nazis into the woods. Everyone else got captured but I escaped and was left alone and frightened in the woods and starving, I managed to survive but was bereft of being all alone. She also said that I was a scholar in the 1500s in Italy but it was a bad time to be learned and again I was very lonely.

I have Italian curves and dark looks (no one in family is Italian) and I love learning everything.

She couldnt have known these things about me (she didnt see me and I didnt tell her anything except my DOB.)

I believe in reincarnation andI dont fear death.

PAst lives?

It sounds like you very well could be.Look up all you can of Japan and see if you remember write what you remember and maybe more will come back to you

PAst lives?

yes, you could have lived there in a past life. In my past life I was a Squirrel.

EDIT: i wasnt kidding about the Squirrel thing. I have read my cards and been to several psychics.... the outcome is always the same.

PAst lives?

Interesting. I have similar feelings about wyoming. Don't know why. I also have penpals from Sweden who visit us sometimes, from the start when we hecame penpals 30 years ago we felt that we knew each other before. It's amazing, we now email each other instead of writing letters.

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