Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cant we all Just get along?

why do people continue to be mean I am a very good hair stylist and I get discriminated against bye African American wemon at work I had one woman say i wanted a black stylist now if i did that towards them id be Fired! or beat up or in the news for discrimation

Cant we all Just get along?

yes.....lets sing that kumbaya song.

Cant we all Just get along?

Life would be so much better, wouldn't it? I tottally agree with you.

Cant we all Just get along?

maybe its because you cant spell.

Cant we all Just get along?


Cant we all Just get along?

i agreeeeeee

Cant we all Just get along?

Well, some people still need to learn how to be tolerant of others, regardless of their race, color, or creed.

Cant we all Just get along?

while people continue to see themselves as victims and always being discriminated against even when it isnt the case then it will never improve racists come in all colours black white and all others though perhaps the self racists are the worst for example ..im black everyone hates me ...

Cant we all Just get along?

We will never "get along" as long as there are groups of people who claim to desire equality but truly want preference and entitlement.

Cant we all Just get along?

Yes My Sister When the Rest of World Learns What WE KNOW the Native Americans

Please Read!!!

1.Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things that Wakan Tanka ---Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone).

2.Show Respect. Respect means 閳ユ翻o feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy.閳?Showing respect is a basic law of life.

o-Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect at all times.

o-Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders.

o-No person should be made to feel 閳ユ笡ut down閳?by you; avoid hurting other hearts as you would avoid a deadly poison.

o-Touch nothing that belongs to someone else (especially Sacred Objects) without permission, or an understanding between you.

o-Respect the privacy of every person, never intrude on a person閳ユ獨 quiet moment or personal space.

o-Never walk between people that are conversing.

o-Never interrupt people who are conversing.

o-Speak in a soft voice, especially when you are in the presence of Elders, strangers or others to whom special respect is due.

o-Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt).

o-Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not.

o-Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.

o-Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.

o-Listen with courtesy to what others say, even if you feel that what they are saying is worthless. Listen with your heart.

3.Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea to a council meeting it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the people. Respect demands that you listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. Indeed you should freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if those ideas are quite different from the ones you have contributed. The clash of ideas brings forth the Spark of Truth. Once a council has decided something in unity, respect demands that no one speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time.

4.Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions.

5.Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. Give of your best food, your best blankets, the best part of your house, and your best service to your guests.

6.The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honor of one is the honor of all.

7.Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family.

8.All the races and tribes in the world are like the different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Wakan Tanka---Creator they must all be respected.

9.To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

10.Observe moderation and balance in all things.

11.Know those things that lead to your well-being, and those things that lead to your destruction.

12.Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.


Cant we all Just get along?

Most of the time, they want a black stylist because in their minds a black stylist will know how to deal with their hair type.

Cant we all Just get along?

if they are paying for a service, they have the right to choose whom they will pay. as the shop is offering the service they are obligated to provide for the customers wishes. Has little to do with racism really. If you went into a restaurant and ordered something in a particular manner, would you accept it if it came out to you differently? In business things should not be looked at so personally, it is just a business. If you don't like what is happening to you at your current job, simply find another.

Cant we all Just get along?

Everyone has a preference so don't take it personal. I don't have anything against anyone but I will not let anyone I don't like for whatever reasons touch my hair. Have a nice day!

Cant we all Just get along?

Well some people just can live with our complaning and we should learn to get along by ignoring them, well all have different points of view and she might be trying to be better than you trying get u lose ur job or something just keep a gap and try your best at work , we can say stop or something like that but it doesn't help much , guud luck

Cant we all Just get along?

maybe that lady should just shut up and be happy with it. but i really don't think many people even like to get along with others. some people just thrive on conflict.it's sad, but true.

Cant we all Just get along?

I'm white. I would think that black women would go to the black area of town where all the stylists and customers are black. But I've always wondered if you are taught especially how to cut black hair. I'll check and see if you accept e-mails. And I so agree to your original question. Why can't we all get along? Like on "The Price is Right!" :)

Cant we all Just get along?

The world is full of problems. People don't get along. That's because it's an imperfect world. It's like a disease. It's called Sin. We cannot escape it.

Cant we all Just get along?

IDK it is ridiculous if you are a skinny white girl with a tiny butt you get made fun of?

But if you are ridiculously fat you get made fun of too?

there LIVE Yis no way in this world to be perfect so take life and make it as you want!! YOUR LIFE THE ONE LIFE YOU HAVE THE 100 YEARS YOU HAVE TO LIVE LIVE IT AS YOU NOT SOMEONE YOUR NOT

Cant we all Just get along?

Thank you Rodney King.

Cant we all Just get along?

No those other white guy's are taking up space, breathing the air and hustling the females. This means war.

Cant we all Just get along?

Some people are too lazy to be polite, even about legitimate concerns. Black hair is nothing like white hair, and if you don't treat it properly, it can fall out, die, etc. Maybe you know all there is to know about it, but I'm sure the woman just wanted to be comfortable with someone doing her hair and was too lazy or untrusting to ask if anyone else could do it.

Cant we all Just get along?

Don't take it personal, you really don't know each other so why let it bother you? customers have their preferences and it doesn't mean they have anything against you.

Like Adelaide above who has a tone of discrimination and said that spelling is the problem here, maybe should check the question 'Why? Why? WHY?' asked by che che and read what people think of people like her.

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