Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WTH?Why are they so effin arghhhhh?

OKay, i am a African American Girl and I am going natrual with my hair.When I was in the 6th grade, my hair was a longer than most of the girls in our class and they used to say stuff like,Who does your hair and stuff like that.But they werent complimenting me,as if to say your hair is a mess i guess.Well, my hair was never a mess beacuse my Aunt did it.It looked better than theirs I must say and yet they still teased me.Well now,they ask me why I wont get a perm (rolls eyes).I am wondering,why are they paying so much attention to me?Wth man?Btw,they dont have any hair so um -. - yeaaaa

WTH?Why are they so effin arghhhhh?

Because people are pathetic, thats why.

If you like your hair then thats all that matters, I'm sure its damn sexy. (Y)

WTH?Why are they so effin arghhhhh?

Well...this may be a case of jelousy. The reason that they pay so much attention to you could be that your hair is eye-catching. They might just love your hair and don't want to give you the satisfaction of compliments. So they put you down. It is probably to build their own self confidence.

The real thing to do--don't listen to them, and pretend like you don't care what they say. And whatever you do--DON'T make fun of them just to make yourself feel good. Then you'll be just as bad as them.

WTH?Why are they so effin arghhhhh?

My hair is long and natural. having a relaxer ws horrible. I'm mixed but even still. I wouldn go outta my way for any one. You have self esteem and great confidence and do not have to follow the crowd.

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