Wednesday, November 11, 2009


what would god's avatar be?? a thin white man w/ long hair and sandles? Why cant god be african american? Or any other race?


The entire universe, with a tiny little 'you are here' sign.

Alternately, a very cute kitten. To preserve his anonymity.

(all praise ceiling cat)

(sorry, couldn't help it)


A blank one. Because his definition is already so broad and vague that it is almost indistinguishable from nonexistence.


God is spirit.


A bong.


When I think about god, my mind's eye sees a praying mantis - and not because of the praying part.


Since "God" is a mental construction*, he is what you want him to be.

* as is everything, welcome to the reality of your own subjectivity.


a background with an outline of a human being. we have no idea what he looked like considering that he even exists.


I think it is more like a crutch. Whatever color you want it to be.


the bible said he was jewish.

aka = brownish skin.

it doesnt say anything in the Bible about his hair or whatever.

people just add that to him to make him seem more pleasant.


No one knows what God looks like. We are all created in God's image though, he is a spiritual being, not a human.


I'd say it would be a beam of light.


God is spirit. no flesh no blood, nothing. like invisible



what would athiests avator be? a fat hairy half evolved monkey eating a bannana? Why cant athiests be a half evolved oran utan? Or any other monkey?


How about a pyramid with Hal's Eye embedded in it?

Remember Suspendor's avatar?


it would be of a middle eastern guy w/ not long hair. it wouldn't have to be military regulation though. he is not white/black, but brown!!!!!!!!!! people in the middle east are not black/white, but brown. men w/ long hair is a conflict w/ scripture.


God IS who He is..... Jesus IS who He is...

why can't YOU be african american or some other race than what you are....


We are forbid to imagine what gods look like.Some religion might have their own god form but for some their god is not in form of anything.

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