Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when

im african american

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

take your time. you can't rush puberty; its impossible!!

Plus your only 14 you have to give it time. you have about 5 or 6 more years to grow!!!!

since your obviously going through puberty your penis should start to grow in the next year or two. I bet its slowly growing now!!

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

You're probably a late bloomer- give it a couple months to another year. Then you'll notice a considerable difference.

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

when you look at porn

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

Don't worry about it. It will happen soon enough.

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

soon you'll probably just a late bloomer, dont worry, your still young

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

Ha ha, you have a tiny penis! It won't get any bigger and any girl you get will just laugh at you. Sorry little dude!

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

wel,, it could happen anytime and beleive me that myth that black dudes are the biggest is SEMI true they are statistically proven to be only 0.7 inches bigger than a white guy and asians are only 0.5 inches smaller than a white guy

so yeah, your only fourteen man, this kid i know is only like 4 inches with a ***** and man as long as you can get the job done for you partner theres nothing you need to worry about, and you know being realy big isn't all that its cracked up to be, like me im fourteen and im 8.7 inches long and 5.8 inches thick when im hard and boy is it hell, when im changin in the locker room it falls out and **** and boy does that suck, all the chicks are over me for the wrong reasons the jealous people spread rumors about you that your small. so DONT WORRY MAN YOULL GROW oh and if you want to look bigger i would recomend shaving or at least trimming, it gets rid of all the pubes blocking the base and it makes you look a good inch longer

good luck man

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

dude, puberty doesn't stop until you're almost 21. I didn't even start getting underarm hair until I was 18! You're still growing, and your penis will grow, don't worry.

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

Tiarra D..... Your still young and you will grow in the penis and testicle department. Some of us have hairy penises and scrotums, some very little hair, some hairy underarms, some like me not so hairy underarms. Some of us have large penises, some smaller, Our genes are what determines our penis and testicle sizes. What ever you end up with be proud of as it's your normal. And there is no changing the length or size of it. Our penises do not make us men son. Big or little they all do the same thing and feel just as good to us when we use them. I assure you. Good Luck!

Im 14 with a lot of pubic hair above my penis an a lil underarm penis still didnt grow when will it?

if you touch yourself than never.

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